Beesub.org is the structure founded by freelance graphic designer & Art Director Stéphane Faure as a full service studYah! FUCK IT! THIS IS MY BLOG!
This is the place to follow my work, see my trials, errors and success through my creative journey. This is the place where I share my process and WIP. The place where I do my shit.
Taking a break from my usual organic work, I started this personal project as an exercise for Hard Surface. I used the incredible 2d concepts from Vadim Sverdlov (aka Tipa_Graphic) as a reference and I tried to respect the shapes and to be accurate.
I started this personal project some time ago, mostly working on it during my lunch break and spare time. The 2d concepts from Vadim Sverdlov always inspired me so I decided to give it a try. 1st pass modeling done in Maya. I will probably tweak some parts here and there. Then UV and textures for final rendering.